5 Journal Prompts to Break Free from Self-Doubt: 

5 Journal Prompts to Break Free from Self-Doubt: 

Hey Mommas, today I want to help you break free from self doubt. It’s time to break out of those cycles we get in when we start feeling like we’re not enough in all different areas of our lives. 

As moms, we face so many opportunities for comparison, and they are not often positive. Have you ever felt like you get into a cycle where you can’t stop asking if what you’re doing is enough? 

Think about the different aspects of your life: 

With your kids: Are they eating healthily enough? Are they polite and kind enough while also speaking their mind enough? Are they responsible enough? 

With your marriage: Are you connecting enough? Are you having sex enough? Are you laughing enough? Are you keeping up with your mutual responsibilities enough? 

With yourself: Are you exercising enough? Are you eating well enough? Are you working enough? Are you keeping the house organized enough? 

This never-ending cycle of enoughness we experience as moms and women can drive us into a constant state of self-doubt. We are doubting whether or not what we are doing is enough compared to others. 

When you are stuck in this cycle, do you feel like you’re trying to reach some unachievable level of perfection? The reality is, that level will always be unachievable. Reaching perfection is impossible. With that mindset, you are setting yourself up for failure before you even begin. 

That is why I developed The Healthy Mom Method. There are many pressures that pull us in multiple directions, you shouldn’t have to feel like you’re a rubber band about to snap when you try to achieve everything. 

In the program, I teach you the tools to navigate all the aspects of self-doubt that lead to feeling strung out and not enough, in order for you to live your best life. It is time to break free from self-doubt, today. 

Try repeating this affirmation to help get you started: 

“I get to define what enough means for me.”

What if you started to look at areas in your life where you could measure how much is enough, and define a clear expectation for yourself, by yourself?

What if you could break free from self-doubt, and no longer have negative, distracting questions pull you from being the best version of yourself?

The reason we fall victim to this cycle so easily is that we’re using others’ definitions of what is enough. These areas of our lives (our kids, our marriage, our self-care) are not easily quantifiable. There is no way to numerically measure “good enough” parenting. But, there are ways for you to decide what it looks like for your family.

I would love to work with you and dive deeper into how exactly to set positive boundaries for your mom life, wife life, and personal life. While you’re here right now, try these next few journal prompts to get started, and overcome that cycle of self-doubt. 

If you get stuck, have questions, or want to explore more parts of your life, reach out to me! I would love to help you dive deeper and uncover the limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. 

5 Journal Prompts to Break Free from Self-Doubt:

1. In what areas of your life do you feel you’re not doing enough? 

First, let’s look at the areas of your life in which you feel like you’re not enough. Try to break down your life into sections. Do you feel a lack of confidence in your parenting or your marriage? Do you want to be doing more for your own health? 

Get all the self-doubt and insecurities out of your head and onto paper. Brainstorm all the areas of your life you feel like you’re not doing as much as you think you should be. 

For this question, don’t go into detail yet about what it is you want to be doing more of, we’ll get into that shortly. Right now, it’s just about defining the different areas of your life, and where you feel like you’re not doing as much as you want to do, or could be doing. 

2. What do you want to do more of?

Take one piece of paper for each area of your life you listed, and write one area at the top of each page. 

For this question, you can write paragraphs or just make a bulleted list. You should focus on everything you think you could be doing more of, or specific ways you feel like you are not enough. 

Write it down even if you already know you’re not going to do it, or if you already know it’s just insecurity from comparing yourself to others. The goal is to get every little self-doubt thought out, so you can see, right in front of you, what’s been holding you back. 

3. What are you excelling at?

Now, I want you to give yourself credit for everything you do in each area of your life. No matter how small you feel like the action may be, I promise you, you are doing a lot more than you give yourself credit for. 

You can do this on the same page as the question above, or you can start a new page. We will be comparing these lists, so make sure you can reference back to both. 

The first two questions might have stirred up a lot of hard feelings or thoughts for you, so I want you to remind yourself how AMAZING you are. You are a rockstar. You are a powerful, strong woman, capable of so much. And you are ENOUGH. Now, let’s start looking at exactly how you start to feel that. 

4. What makes you happy? 

For this question, I want you to go back to your answers from questions 2 and 3. Highlight or circle the things you are doing, or want to do, that make you happy. 

It is important that you define your “enoughness” by actions that you actually like. You are never going to break free from self-doubt if you keep forcing yourself to live up to standards that just aren’t authentic to you. 

5. What can you do to feel like you are enough in each area of your life? 

Now that you have taken a realistic look at actions you think you should be taking, versus actions that you actually want to take, you can journal about what it would look like for you to be enough, as defined by your own standards

Once you finish this journaling exercise, you should feel like you have shattered others’ expectations, and established your own expectations for all aspects of your life. 

Only you and your family can decide what good enough parenting or marriage looks like. Only you can decide what good enough self-care looks like. 

You get to define your own version of perfection, so you will never be trying to reach some idealistic, unachievable version that leaves you constantly doubting your own abilities and worth. 

I hope this exercise helped you get a better idea of how it is you can feel enough without comparing yourself to others in a negative way. Getting stuck in a cycle of self-doubt can feel debilitating when you don’t see a way out. 

This journal exercise will help you look clearly at the negative thoughts circling in your mind and find a way to channel those thoughts in order to live your best, happiest, and most productive life. The goal is to be one step closer to breaking free from self-doubt once and for all. 

Reach out to me if you want to dive deeper, or need a second perspective. I am here to help!

Let me know in the comments—Do you ever feel like you’re not enough in different parts of your life? Do you want to be showing up more, but feel like you just can never get to that point? Have you tried to break free from self-doubt before?

Sarah Failla


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